The Thorns of War Update #26
The Thorns of War » Devlog

Hello all
I am happy to announce that Guillaume’s route has been updated and a new version of the game is ready for download.
The route is quite complicated with lots of options – I have tested it extensively, but if you run into any bugs/typos please let me know at
Many thanks for your patience and I hope you enjoy the route.
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The Thorns of War
Visual Novel
Status | In development |
Author | Blackcross & Taylor |
Genre | Visual Novel |
Tags | Female Protagonist, Otome, Romance, Yuri |
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*Spoiler Alert*
I really loved this route even though I am not a Guillaume-Fan. It was kind of eye-opening, too. I blamed Francesca for Guillaume's behavior in Bastien's and Sophia's route and now MC is in the exact same position.
Even in his good ending, there is always the suspicion that he could turn into August Jr. (Which is a good thing! I love flawed and twisted characters. )
Is it implied that Duke Leopold is in love with (or is at least veeeery fond) of MC, or is this just my over-active brain?
His behavior could be interpreted as a manipulation tactic to win the princess over, but when he assures MC that she always has a place in his court and she answers, "My place is with my husband", he looks so sad. My poor heart :D
Many thanks for your feedback - I'm glad to hear you found the route entertaining.
As for Leopold, I try to leave things like that up to the interpretation of the player, but I will say that the Duke is a complicated man and there is unlike to be one sole reason for him doing anything. ^_^
Many thanks for playing
Congrats Blackcross & Taylor on releasing Guillaume's route - it was beautifully written! All endings were really interesting.
It was particularly interesting to see more of the interaction between the Duchess di Parisi & the MC. *Spoiler Alert* We learned that the Duchess is ALWAYS one step ahead of the game - even ahead of her own daughter (yikes). It was also very interesting to see Frederique's reaction to MC's life choice, I definitely did not expect that. Finally, it was a big tease to see Leo so often yet not being a LI in any route... I hope he will be a LI in the Loveless route! Can't wait for our favourite usurper's route next!!!
If I could provide one feedback, it would be to have more save slots. There are so many routes, so many options, we definitely need all the slots we can get!
Thanks again for a fantastic game! :)
Many thanks for your kind feedback - I'm glad you found Guillaume's route interesting.
I'll certainly look into providing more save slots - not sure how I will do it right now, but I will investigate. ^_^
I've been having the hardest time getting Guillaume’s 1st and 6th ending. Anyone have any tips on how to achieve them?
I would be happy to send you some tips, but to avoid spoilers do you want to message me at and we can discuss it there? ^_^
I love love LOVE this game; it's so wonderfully written, and has so many choices which also drive me crazy and make me realise I would NOT survive a day in Mc's shoes omg. I'm still slightly bitter I could not romance Leo bc he's been my second LI after Bastien, but oh well. Also please help: would anyone give me hints on how to NOT be exiled after siding with the Duke? I can't seem to find what I did wrong in my investigations bc all the time they track back to me and I end up back home or in Dacre... thanks!!
Many thanks for your kind feedback - yes, MC does go through a lot this time.
As for your question, I am not sure I follow, but rather than risk spoilers here, do you want to message me at and we can discuss what might be happening. ^_^
Many thanks for your support.
you're so kind, thank you :_)
Not a problem ^_^
WOW, I've been playing nonstop since it came out on Monday, and have gotten 4 endings so far.
This game and this route in particular is a masterpiece!!!
I noticed that there were hints of Guillaume easy to anger/righteousness issues in the first game, but it was really shown here.
While this route didn't offer a differn't LI option, I was happily surprised by the MC's mother's more emotional side. Her love and fear regarding her children's safety as well as her empathy were more apparent in this route and I loved seeing it in combination with her schemes.
The way you mold and show various sides to these characters and to the ongoing conflicts, situations, and drama through various decisions/personality / traits the MC has in this route (and have them intersect through other routes) is incredible.
You have a masterful storytelling ability and thank you for your hard work on this project. I've really enjoyed playing this game, it is by far one of my favorites.
Thank you for your kind feedback - I'm glad you hear your enjoyed the route, especially the more rounded view you get of your family.
Many thanks for your support ^_^
How many endings are there for Guillaume’s route? And just to confirm, there are no other possible love interests in his route, right?
There are 8 endings and no other possible love interests in the route.
excuse me while I sit down for an indefinite amount of time trying to figure out how to get the remaining *checks list* ending 1, 6 and 7. istg, I've never seen a more thorough, meticulously written game in my life. it's driving me crazy.
Let me know, if you want any hints ^_^
got the 7th ending at long last but yes. I might need help with endings 1 and 6, I'm at my wits' end orz.
I've sent you an email - I hope this helps ^_^
Aw, I was hoping for a romantic ending with Leo but there isn't one T_T I'd hoped MC could end up with someone who was good to her in this route. Apart from "Queen of Segunda" and "Betrayal", are there any other happy and interesting endings? Does MC always end up alone or with Guillaume?
The game isn't finished yet! It's being released route by route.
Well, I dunno if this will count as spoilers or not but there are no other potential LI in Guil's route aside from him
I have been looking forward to this route as well as Leo's and cannot wait to play! I have a NY State licensing exam coming up tomorrow morning so if I pass this will be my reward!
Oh, best of luck to you for your exam! ^_^
I've gotten all of Guillaume's endings except the third, I thought I had it figure out but just wound up with his first ending. Any hints or would it all be too spoilery?
Hmm, the third ending. You need to be on Guillaume's side but lose (not getting the support from the Rouaine will do it) and then remain in Segunda.
Does that help?
Oof, okay. I just finished it. I got the happiest ending with Guillaume. But at what cost? This route was so hard, and the things MC had to endure were horrible. I was disgusted at Guillaume, how he treated MC... I'm sorry it was just too much. And it felt REAL, you know? Their relationship reminded me of my parent's and that's not a good thing. Yeah, they're still married and yeah they love each other. What at what cost? How much does a wife have to endure? She shouldn't. I was enraged during most of the route and I've never felt so bad for a character as I did for MC.
I've noticed a theme with the ROs of the released routes never standing up for MC until the very end. And this MC deserves the world, goddammit. I pray that Leo and Frederique will defend her and protect her, at least. Because MC protects and cares for everyone, and she would defy anyone to defend her partner. She deserves to be treated so much better.
The thing is, Guillaume went so much deeper, so much worst! I chose to stay away from Leo, but he was right: MC is a brilliant woman, and she was dying in that relationship. And it hurt so much to watch. I hated Guillaume so much. And yes, I got the happy ending, and I was glad that he gave equal power to MC at the end. But I can't forgive him. And I can't forget how he treated her for most of the game.
I'm also so sad that we didn't get to make amends of some kind with Frederique at the end :( It broke my heart. But at least, my little ray of sunshine, Duchess Mariette! The only support MC had. She was so ISOLATED in this route. It was so scary and heartbreaking,
I'm hoping that those little hints about Leo mean that we can have a good ending with him in this route. I always left ASAP during the first playthrough, but I'm going to do a second playthrough and see if Leo can steal MC away. With an MC that's pretending to love Guillaume, tho, because I can't handle seeing her suffering so much again.
Beautiful writing and art, like always <3 And even if this route made me hate Guillaume with a passion and feel depressed for MC, writing should evoke emotions in the reader, whatever those emotions are. And you delivered. But, really, Guillaume doesn't deserve MC. I also get the feeling that Leo would get MC her own throne and not having her stand, damn be tradition!
I'm just feeling a LOT right now T_T
Great game!
I came back to see if anyone had reviewed the game since I'm a sucker for spoilers and your review was so good! I'm still on my first playthrough but I have to agree with you that the MC was so isolated. It was too real and scary--the writing was as great as usual! I felt like I saw so much more depth to Guillaume's character. But I feel so bad for her. She deserves the world :(
Ah, I'm sorry you found the route hard going. I wondered if that would be the case for a lot of people, but I feel I kept Guillaume true to character.
You might find some of the other routes more to your taste, but I understand if you feel like you need a break first. >_<
Many thanks for your feedback, as always, and for your support.
About to play rn!! So excited <3
I hope you enjoy it ^_^
I'm so glad to see that it's out! I was just wondering, any hints to how you get the second to last Guillaume ending? Thank you!
Eh, I probably can't tell you here without spoiling it - do you want to email me at and I can let you know?
gotcha, thanks!
About 5 routes I'd say including the loveless route as an separate route.
I have done the two routes available until now and I’ll have to say this is the same world the same ambiance no doubt but each route is really “unique”. There is no feeling of uncomplete game unless on starter page to select your route. ( Really great job from the developer !!!!! ).
Yep, littlegal is right. Next is Leopold's, then Frederique's. Then, I suspect Charlotte's will be voted for next, followed by the Single route - and lastly, we have Loveless.
Waiting patiently for Charlotte's. <3
I'm exactly like you, waiting to binge all the routes, even if I'm generally patient, I surprise myself for being this patient 😂 Let's wait together hehe
I've been doing the same, but I know I'll give in when Leopold's route is released, lol.
I'm in the same boat as Kirlett. Plus doesn't help I'm in Australia so time differences. But I'm totally opening this up and playing once I get home from work today! Have been really looking forward to Guillaume and Leo's routes. So much potential for political intrigue! Any way thanks so much for the hard work!
Ah, sorry for the wait - I really hope you enjoy the route once you get to play it, especially since it was one of the routes you were looking forward to ^_^
Many thanks for your support
I'm so happy it's out! Quick question, when starting a new game on Guillaume's route i'm not able to have only the king wanting me to marry Guillaume like you can in the demo for his route, was that cut? or is it something that unlocks after playing the route?
Are you talking about the loveless route, where you and Guillaume married just because you were both told to?
If so, it hasn't been cut, I just decided to make it a route all of its own as I felt it had the potential to be huge. I will be working on it once the main routes are all complete. I hope this helps. ^_^
Yes, that's what i was talking about! Thank you for replying
No problem. I hope the wait is worth it. ^_^
YASSSSSS HERE WE GO AGAIN! I have to wake up early tomorrow and it's already 11PM here so I don't think I'll be able to play tonight. BUT TOMORROW FOR SURE!
I wonder if we'll get the chance to betray Guillaume and join Leo's side 👀 I can't wait to experiment how this route works in different ways!
Sorry, I really wanted to get it out earlier, but everything seemed to be conspiring against me today >_<
I really hope you enjoy the route once you get around to playing it, and please let me know what you think ^_^