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I love Bastien's route and the story as a whole so far! He was never my favorite in TROS but there's some real gems in his scenes here. Makes me even more excited to see the characters I loved (and the politicking in two PARTICULAR routes). But PLEASE give me some hints as to the second and third ending on the list. I can't seem to get them or even really figure out what they might be at this point and it's driving me batty!

Glad to hear you are enjoy the route so far and many thanks for your support. 

As for the two remaining endings, I would say they are the 'not good, but not terrible' endings. To get them I would probably fail one of the missions and complete the other, but if you want more details on how to get them, please email and I can give you more advice without worrying about spoilers ^_^

Many thanks for playing


Hello, I was wandering how much time will the game stays in sales ? (To know if I have time to wait for my salary or not >.>)

Hello and thank you for your interest. The sale page is here and should show you how much time you have left (since whatever day/time I tell you might be inaccurate for your time zone)

Ah nice, this will do ! I look forward to test, even if Bastien was the my least favorite LI XD

LEOPALD! im coming for you! I loveee the game I just received an email that this game was out AND at a discount price! leopalds route is my favourite can't wait to play it! take all my money T-T

(1 edit)

I am very happy to hear you're excited, and thank you for your support. 

Leo's route is a little ways off yet, but you will be able to get some more Leopold content when the TROS Love Interest Point of View scenes are released in April (ish). Until then, I hope you can enjoy Bastien's (and then Sofia's) routes.

Many thanks for playing ^_^

I’d be more than happy too 🥺


Promised myself to not spend any more money this year, but I just had to when I saw the announcement! So excited to play (and so excited to be reunited with Sofia soon). Great job!

Ah, thank you so much for the support - I really hope you enjoy the route. 

Many thanks for your purchase ^_^

I finished two run throughs.


Bastien...I will say he isn't my favorite- I love Leopold the most and I'm very excited for his route, but this was very good. ...and so sad. Pieto was so lovely, and I quite liked his route with Iolanthe, but now I'm wondering whether this narrative will continue in all the routes.

I presume not, given everyone has their own drama, but I can't help but worry it's all going to be a bit of relationship drama in this sort of sense. I hope this isn't the case, I want mayhem and hijinx and plotting as the most epic lovey-dovey murder couple ever with Iolanthe and Leopold, and this was so sad aaaaa

But so so good. 


Many thanks for the feedback and I am glad you thought the route was good.

As for the relationship drama, there will be a little in every route (it’s a high stress situation, after all) but it will vary and I would say Bastien’s route is definitely at the higher end.

Many thanks for playing



Many thanks for your support!

Ah, I hope you both like it, after all this ^_^'

Aaaaa I've been refreshing every ten minutes or so. XD


Well, it is uploading now, but the files are large, so it's going to be another few hours yet (I would estimate three) before both Windows and Mac versions are ready (and Linux will be another few hours after that, but I will post once the first two are complete). 

Sorry for the wait. ^_^

Aaaa still exciting yay yay! :D

*laughs* You took the news well ^_^

one day!! *bounces excitedly*

Yep. I've been testing since 8am - lots of variables to double check. ^_^

Hi! The Early Access is approaching and I was wondering if we'd get the love interest PoV scenes with Bastien's route (only Bastien's PoV scenes I mean)

Hello there! No, I will be releasing the POV scenes (TROS and TTOW) as two separate updates, since the TROS ones are having new backgrounds to fit in with the slightly different style of our current background artists. 

I imagine these backgrounds will be ready around April 2021, though that might be subject to change.

Hello! When I'm in the app, it shows a pop up option at the bottom of the game page to buy this game for 24.99. When I try to buy it I get an error saying the page cannot be found. I came here but I can't find the option to buy the full game. Am I missing something? I would love to be able to buy the game if it is at all possible! Was that just an error or something? Either way, I adored the first game and I WISH I had seen the kickstarter for this one. Thank you so much for giving us more of this world!!!

(1 edit)

Hi there, sorry, but the game is not yet available for purchase. It will be released (early access) for sale on 18th December. I am not sure why the itch app is allowing you to try and buy it, but again, sorry for the confusion.

Many thanks for your interest ^_^

I am so excited!!  Thanks so much for the update, TROS is one of my favorite VNs ever and I expect to love TTOW even more!

Ah, thank you! I'm very glad to hear you liked TROS and I hope you find just as much to enjoy in TTOW as well. 

Many thanks for your support. ^_^

I'm so excited for this game, I don't know how many times I've replayed TROS, such an amazing mix of romance and politics- I srly love it!
I have a question if I may for creators; in the description it says you either "begin the game with your current lover or remain single to pursue one of the two new love interests: Sir Mathys Aurele or Ambassador Vesela Brovik"- I was wondering, in the case of being in a marriage of convenience with the Prince, does the game offer you the option to recover your "true love" from the previous characters? (I'm looking at you, Bastien). Thanks!!


Many thanks for the kind feedback – I’m very happy to hear you enjoyed TROS and are looking forward to the sequel.

As for the Guillaume ‘loveless/marriage of convenience’ route. There are going to be a couple of romance options, (I haven’t written that route yet, so I don’t know who for certain) and some of them will be characters from the first game, but not all of the characters will be available.

The thought process behind it is that when the MC married Guillaume in this manner, firstly, she rejected her ‘true love’ (some of them aren’t going to have taken well).

Also, she became the Princess, so there is going to be a huge risk associated with ‘romancing’ her (and essentially enabling her to commit adultery on the Prince) and that isn’t a risk everyone is going to be willing to take. Not to mention, the MC has been living at the palace for the last two years – certain characters aren’t going to be seeing her regularly anymore, if at all.

I hope that gives you some insight into which love interests might be available in the ‘loveless/marriage of convenience’ route.

Many thanks for playing 

absolutely! that answer gives the insight and answers my question, thank you so much for replying <3

This got me thinking - will it be possible for Iolanthe and Guillame to actually fall in love in this ‘loveless/marriage of convenience’ route?

Btw, loved the first game. It's one of my favourites and it merits a replay, like, every half a year for me<3

Oh, yes, that will definitely be an option. ^_^

Ah, thank you, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the first game - with any luck, you will have fun with the sequel, as well.


I played tRoS and loved it! I know that Iolanthe is 18 and Guillaume is turning 20 in the first game. How old is everyone else?

Thank you, I'm really looking forward to this game :)


Hello there and many thanks for the kind feedback, I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the first game. As for the ages, I believe Sofia and Charlotte are both 18, Frederique is 20, Bastien is 24, and Leopold is 25.

I never defined them anywhere, but there are hints in most of the routes. ^_^

I hope this answers your question. 

Many thanks for playing.

Hey, sorry if you've already answered this, but I was just wondering...Before the DEMO starts, you get to pick how tRoS ended, and I was a little confused when it showed Frederique had a route in the previous one. I've gotten an ending for all the love interests, and I was just wondering about Frederique's route, which I missed, and also wondering how you initiate it in tRoS in the first place. 

By the way, I love the game so far!

Hello, Moonyasnow

In TROS, in order to get on Frederique's route you need to complete all the other LI routes and then start a new game. When it comes to the first scene in the game with an options menu (in the carriage as you travel through Florentia) a new option should have opened up beneath the others. Selecting this will get you on his route.

I hid his route pretty well as I didn't want anyone stumbling on to it who did not want to romance him. 

You can find more information on the route in our guide here:

Or if you are having any trouble, please do drop me an email here:

Many thanks for playing


hello, how goes progress?

(1 edit) (+3)

Hello, Sandpixie

Thank you for your interest - the game is coming along. 

The current word count is 206,889 and I am working on Sofia's route. I will be posting an update here once I feel I am about 1/3 way through the route, which I hope won't be far away. 

That will also give me an idea of whether this route (as well as Bastien's) will overrun the 50,000 word estimate I had in place, and I can then consider how that will affect the time-frames.

I hope that gives you an idea of how things are progressing until the next update.

Oh my god, I can't wait for this ! Thanks you so much for your  work, the Rose of Segunda is one of my favourite visual-novels of all times and for it to have a sequel is one of the best surprises I ever had !

Hello and thank you for the kind feedback. 

I'm glad to hear you enjoyed TROS and I hope you enjoy the sequel just as much. 

Many thanks for playing 


I am so excited that you are making a sequel to the original. I am a huge fan of the game and loved your writing as well as your artwork. Thank you so much for making the main character not only smart- but brave. I was so happy that she was willing to put her foot down and not be some idiotic girl chasing around a guy that treats her like garbage. I will be looking forward to the release of your full game. You all are awesome.

Hello and thank you for the positive feedback - I'm happy to hear you liked the writing in the first game (and the art - I'll let the artist know), and found the MC appealing.

I hope you enjoy the sequel similarly.

Many thanks for playing 

(1 edit) (+1)

I loved the first game, and it seems this game will be even better than the previous one ! (the new UI is gorgeous, and there is sprite for side characters that's very cool, I don't really like shadows)! It's so promising !

I was just wandering, can we start back with the "secret love interest" of the first game in this one too ** ?

Anyway, good luck to you guys, it's a long run, but definitely worth the wait <3


Hello, Ayael, thank you for your interest - I am glad to hear you enjoyed the first game and thing this sequel looks promising. 

And to answer your question, yes, there is a route for the 'secret romance'. He is a very popular character, so I would feel bad leaving him out.

Many thanks for playing.

Aaaah wonderful ! I love him too (but I love them all so...), I really look forward to game! Do you have some pre-order possibility ? I unfortunately miss the KS but I would like to support you especially since dev will take longer than expected !

No, there is no pre-order as yet, but we are very far away from release right now. Perhaps when we are a bit closer.

Thank you for your support though. ^_^

Yay! I am so happy he's getting a route, he's been my favourite since I started playing the game!

Deleted 2 years ago

Hi there, sorry, but I am unsure which page you are seeing as the game is not yet available for purchase. 

It is still in development and only the demo is currently available for download. 

Many thanks for your interest

Deleted 2 years ago

How odd. I'll see if I can look into that. 

Thank you for bringing it to my attention. ^_^


hello there! I hope you are doing well. how is progress? haven't heard anything in ages


Hello Sandpixie, thanks for checking in. 

Progress is being made, but I have realised that my estimate (for Bastien's route, at least) is way, way off. 

I thought it would be done in 50,000 words, but it is currently (at my last check) 116,000 - that is longer than 'Rose' by 14,000 words, and this is just one route. 

I plan to post here and let people know once Bastien's route is finished - which I hope will be soon.

In the meantime, I hope you (and anyone reading this) is keeping safe and healthy.

All the best ^_^


Dang, I understand the underestimation of word counts when writing. I'm sure it will be amazing. 

Keep up the good work and take care at this trying times!


"I'm sure it will be amazing. "

Well, considering the amount of time I have spent on it, let us hope so! ^_^

Thank you, stay safe.

Hi! I found TROS on Steam and instantly had to buy it.  I absolutely adored it and loved seeing the different personality variations for the MC. SO excited for the sequel! Thanks for the all hard work you're putting into this!

Many thanks for your kind feedback - I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the first game and are looking forward to the sequel.

Thank you for your support ^_^

i played TROS and it was pretty interesting!, i enjoyed discovering all the endings and honestly i am in love.
 I am looking forward to The Thorns of war; but i have a question: will it be available on Steam?.


Thank you for your kind feedback - I am happy to heard you enjoyed TROS. 

And, yes, TTOW will be on Steam . It will be released first on itch and then be realised on Steam probably a couple of months later, though anyone who bought the game on itch will be given a free Steam key, as well.

Many thanks for playing

Do we have an ETA for Thorns of War? :D Thank you so much for making this amazing game!


For the finished game? Well, on the Kickstarter I put October 2020. I'd like to get it finished sooner, but 400,000 words is going to take me a while to write. ^_^

Anyone with Beta access will be able to access the routes as they completed though, as I recall from the demo, a lot of people don't like to play until all the routes are finished. 

Many thanks for your support.


Are there any plans for a Frederique romance during the loveless marriage path?

(1 edit) (+2)

Not at the moment, but I'll see what happens when I write the route - he is certainly one of a few people who I can see risking it. ^_^

(1 edit) (+1)

Your stories are so interesting that sometimes I wish they were text-based so even more choices could be carried over and explored. For example, I think there is a terribly tragic and interesting dimension to having a dutiful Iolanthe who turned down Leopold's proposal and married the prince, even though she was in love with Leopold. I would love to be able to explore this dynamic in the loveless marriage path.

Many thanks for your kind feedback - I am happy to know you'd like more of the story. As for the particular scenario you mentioned, scenes such as that will be explored during the loveless marriage route, so I hope you will at least get to see a little something of that aspect. ^_^

Many thanks for playing


I loved The Rose of Segunda! One of my favourite things about it was that the main character is an actual character (player-determined) and not an empty shell. (Thank you so much for the role-playing options! ♥) Other characters were lovely and likable, too. Especially Leopold :) TROS had only one drawback: it was too short! So I'm very happy there'll be more.

I wish you inspiration and good luck and I'm looking forward to TTOW. (And I hope it'll be eventually available on Steam because I have the first game there).

Fun fact:  i didn't realise that the MC's official name is Iolanthe and named her Rosalind :)


Thank you for the feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed TROS  and are looking forward to the sequel. 

Ah, yes, Leo seems to be a firm favourite - possibly only Frederique gets more love (on itch, at least. ) And I think Rosalind is more than in keeping with the setting - it's always interesting for me to hear what people decided to call their MCs.  

Many thanks for your support 

Hell yeah! the sequel looks awesome and way more improved than the first one! Looking forward to the finished and full game :D


Thank you - I'm glad to hear you are looking forward to it

(1 edit) (+1)

aaaaah omg i know I'm late but I LOVED the first game,I'm so surprised to see a sequel!


So hey! I loved the first game to the bits and can't wait for the sequel! :D
That's all the more reason for me to wonder: will it come out this year? I just want to know what level of hype I should settle for hahah Because I seriously cannot wait! I'm sure it will be just as amazing as the first game :)


Hello, Phoenix2M

Thank you for the feedback - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the first game. With the way things look at the moment, work will start again on Thorns (art-wise) in August, but writing won't recommence until Best Friends Forever is finished (which is projected for Oct/Nov), so I think we will be looking at next year for Thorns, around the late spring / early summer, since I predict it will be a long game. 

Thanks for playing

Thanks a lot for letting me know! Appreciate it a lot! Also because I've enjoyed BFF too! :)


OMG! There's a sequel! I played the The Rose of Segunda on steam and loved it. I look forward to the sequel. XD

Ah, thank you for letting me know you enjoyed the first game - I hope you have as much fun with the sequel as well. ^_^

Thanks for playing

I've played the first one on Steam and LOVED IT. I'm so excited for sequel. Good luck! <3

Sorry, I missed this. Thank you for the kind feedback (and the luck ^_^) - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the first game and I hope the second one lives up to expectations. 

Thanks for playing


THERE IT IS! OMG i love so much first part and i am really happy you decided to make a second ;D Looking forward to play it

(1 edit)

Ah, thank you - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the first game and are looking forward to this one ^_^

Thanks for playing


Wow, I loved the first game and I'm so excited to see that it's getting a sequel! I'll be eagerly following its progress and I can't wait to purchase it once it's released. :) 


Ah, thank you - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the first game and I hope to start progress updates on Thorns again soon ^_^

Thanks for playing


I'm really excited about this there a way to be able to keep track of the progress of it's development? I don't want to rush developers or make them feel obligated to update their progress all the time, but being in the loop helps with the anxiety that comes with the anticipation of a good game. I understand though, if you would rather not do a progress bar or something similar. 

Good luck! :) 


Hello, 1sab3llameow

Thank you for your interest - I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to the full game.

At the moment, The Thorns of War (TTOW) is on hiatus while I finish the other two games I'm working on: Heaven's Grave and Best Friends Forever. The sales of these games will be used to commission the remaining assets required for TTOW.

I am hoping to begin collaborating with artists again on TTOW around late summer, so once I have news to report, I will begin to post regular progress updates which I hope will keep players in the loop.

Thanks for playing

Im so so so excited for this game! I loved the first game! Do you have a kickstarter or anything for this game? Id be glad to donate


Ah, thank you. I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to it. 

No, I've no Kickstarter, as yet. I always try to fund my games myself, through sales of any previous games.  I'm already quite worried about meeting  the expectations of fans of the first game - I think I'd be a nervous wreck if people had already paid, as well. ^_^

Thanks for playing


I'm really looking forward to it ! I really enjoyed the rose of Segunda, except for a tiny detail... Françoise is actually a woman's name, the man's name whould be François. It's probably too late to change it now, but I can't stop laughing whenever they mention him xD kinda hard to see him as the serious older brother after that :p Looking forward to best friend forever too !

(2 edits) (+2)

Hello celi-nege, I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the first game for the most part and are looking forward to the sequel.

As for the name, yes, this has been mentioned before. I would say that this is a fantasy game and I never really meant for any of the names to be directly held up to real-life counterparts. I drew from a mix of French, Spanish and Italian and plain just made some of them up. As someone has already pointed out, Frederique  is the feminine spelling, as well - I just prefer it that way. 

Thanks for playing



Ah, first one was so goood, looking forward to this one :D

Ah, thank you. I'm glad to hear you're looking forward to it - I am too, to be honest ^_^

The first is really great, I wait impatiently The Thorns of War lol

I really look forward it! I loved the first game and I still replay it from time to time. I'm sure it will be an even better sequel :)

(1 edit) (+2)

I was getting an account because I wanted to leave feedback for The Rose of Segunda and then I saw this. I think I might start crying from happiness.

Court/Princess based otome games aren't my favourite, but if I could have wished for one Rose of Segunda would exactly be it. Playing it felt like the writers had invaded my mind when I slept to figure out exactly what kind of tropes and LIs I would have wanted in such a setting. It also helps the music and art was very nice.

No but seriously, I was so tired of mobile otome having you just discover you are a princess or be a nobody at court. I want to start out knowing what I'm doing! Plus I love how Iolanthe has a lot of spunk but you can decide how much you want her to care about duty, since if she has been brought up in that environment you'd think it would be something she'd care about. This was so well-balanced and I loved trying out different mindsets for different playthroughs and it always felt appropriate with the setting. 

I also loved the setting in general. It's fantasy but it feels very based on actual European history even if the actual references are very vague. I honestly think it is for the best since otherwise research and/or inaccuracies would get in the way of telling a story. Plus it still feels mostly like a historical setting since it avoids magic. Just very well made Made-up Kingdom and politics within it. 

I also love how you can be forward in the romances if you want to and that the game even encourages that mostly. I actually got wind of the game because someone else who likes brother-sister romance recced it because the secret route, but I found myself loving all but Guillame's route just as much. Oh but still, thank you thank you thank you for the secret route and for making it so sweet. I was getting tired of yandere brothers and the secret route was absolutely everything I wanted (Though a kiss CG would have been nice, but maybe there is hope?). Frederique is such an absolute sweetheart and I love how supportive he is in all the routes. All the LI are such cinnamon rolls but in their own distinct flavour without feeling samey at all. Just really well made job. Charlotte is the biggest sweetie though and she deserves the whole world and no one should ever hurt her. I loved the whole play you put on later in the week and Iolanthe makes such a dashing prince (but getting to play the roles wrong was so much fun too).

So yes, just thank you so much for this game. I really, really enjoyed it if that wasn't obvious from the above. I don't like playing betas so I will hold off on the demo for the sequel for now, but finding out this is a thing getting made made my week and I can't wait to play the finished product, you have a guaranteed buy from me.

Hello, Eleanore97, and thank you for the feedback. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the game for the most part, and are looking forward to the sequel.

Thanks for playing

I think i'm going to have to give the first game a play through so I can understand the characters better. The dialouge is interesting my only complaint is there is no background music to fit the theme.

Many thanks for the feedback, I'm glad you are finding it interesting enough so far. This is only the beta demo, hence the lack of music, but I do have plans to add a score to the game once I have secured the budget for a musician. 

Thanks for playing

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