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I´m very interested in this game since I played The Rose of Segunda. Really great work there. Charlotte is my favorite romance. So my question: What about Charlotte's route? Will you work on the routes how it´s shown above? Loveless route, then Frederique and after that Charlotte? Do you have an approximate release date for these routes?

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello and thank you for your interest. Yes, Charlotte's route will be worked on after Frederique's is completed. 

As for release dates, the Loveless route will be coming out at the end of March. I then hope to have Frederique's route finished some time in the summer, after which I will begin Charlotte's route. But having not begun her route yet, I do not think I can give a release date as yet. 

I hope this helps


Thanks for the answer. No problem. That´s all I wanted to know. I didn´t expect an exact release date, just something to look forward to. 

So maybe end of the year. That´s enough for me. I think it´s time to replay The Rose of Segunda and after that start with Sofia´s route in The Thorns of War.

Thanks again! 

So sorry to bother you, but are you still working on Frederique's route?


Yes, I am. A devlog with a few details just went up, if you are interested.

Many thanks

I'm glad. Thank you for responding!

(4 edits) (+2)

(Some spoilers under “view rest”)

Checked back and super glad to hear you’re doing well. 

I must say, the writing for the different paths(and sub paths) is top notch!

The darker, more foreboding tone of Thorns with its looming civil war really lends itself well to putting these established relationships to the test. You do have to earn your happy ending lol.

I also love that there are different ways to resolve the political portions of the paths. I’m a political/history fanatic too so I was pleased to see this well fleshed out. Having now seen both Leopold and Guillaume’s sides of the story, I can see where they are both coming from and why everyone backs who they do.

My favourite path like many is probably still Sofia, maybe just because she’s my type. It’s by far one of the more angsty of the paths, in a good way rather than feeling contrived. The solution back in Rose isn’t perfect like out of some fairy tale, but it makes it all the better I think. 

That being said the other love interests are excellent too, there isn’t one path that wasn’t really good and didn’t feel unique. 

Of the two sides, I probably lean to Leopold because I love a good revenge plot. He cites principles sure, but it’s quite personal in a way I can relate. Better yet, he really does adore you and wants you to be his queen. I get a real power couple energy from them and it’s great. 

Guillaume’s path is hardly the happily ever after with your prince some may have hoped for, but with you at his side he has the makings of a great king. Getting him to take the mantle is very satisfying. 

Bastien I’ve warmed up to a lot. He’s not super passionate but you can’t help but understand exactly why he is the way he is with his upbringing. He’s very real and relatable. Seeing him finally break out of his shell a little is priceless. 

That being said Pieto is lovely too. Despite how it happened it’s great seeing him get a real passionate love match this time. Also one of the more unique endings(if goes well of course), do get to be a Queen after all, not just in the way was expecting.

Looking forward to the last few paths. The new love interests look interesting. Charlotte is just so precious and she’s probably had the best character development so far. I liked Frederique’s route in Rose. At first I thought something so taboo was just in there for shock value but you gave it a ton of depth. From what you learn of them you can’t help but root for them both.

Best of luck going forward! 


Many thanks for your kind feedback. I am happy to hear you enjoyed the game - especially Sofia's route. And thank you, too, for putting the spoilers beneath the 'view rest' - I appreciate your thoughtfulness. ^_^

Many thanks for playing


Hello, happy new year! I hope you are doing well. I was wondering when we might get an update on the project? :)


Hello and happy new year! I am doing okay and I hope you are well, too. 

A short update on the project - the Loveless route is very nearly complete at 425,000 words (T_T) and I have a projected release date (after beta period) of the end of March.

Many thanks for your patience.

That sounds like a monster of a route and (understandably so since it is with potentially 4 LIs from what I gather). I can't wait whenever it is out!


Omg, this game is SO good.. Since Rose of Segunda I've been playing the Sofia route and on this one things just go SO much deeper and I loved the building up of their relationship <3 Also, a very well thought plot, was enraptured every minute of it! I couldn't stop playing till the end haha

Thank you so much for all your hard work guys! Happy Holidays!


Ah, thank you for your kind feedback. I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed Sofia's route across both games. 

A happy new year to you, as well, and many thanks for playing.


Im totally excited for this! i played TROS and loved the Prince's and the SR's route (pls dont judge me, was the most cativant and different routes...)

No judgement here - I was the one who wrote it, after all. ^_^

I'm very glad to hear you enjoyed the first game and I hope you find this one as entertaining.

Many thanks 

Hello! Hope you're doing good. Just wanted to ask if you have an estimate release date, for the loveless and Frederique routes?


Hello, I hope you are doing well, too. Estimated release date for the Loveless Route is the end of March. I'll be revealing more in a devlog on Friday 14th Feb.

Many thanks for your interest


Just sending a quick message to say I hope you're doing well. All the best!


Thank you for checking in - I'm doing okay. Wishing you all the best as well. ^_^

I enjoyed the first game and I look forward to playing this sequel!

I would like to ask if you plan to release this game on Steam once all the routes are complete. I bought "The Rose of Segunda" through Steam, and I prefer keeping all my games in one place when possible, so is it better to wait for that? Will you be giving a Steam key to people who purchased the current version on Or is "The Thorns of War" going to be a release only?

Thank you!


Yes, this game will be released on Steam once it is complete, but I will be providing keys for anyone who purchases Thorns of War on, just as I did with the release of Rose of Segunda.

Many thanks for your interest   

Am glad to hear that is the case! Cannot wait for release, but I guess I have to.


hi! how are things going?


It's going well, thank you for asking. I am still working on the Loveless route - I was hoping it would be finished by the end of Auguste but it is still being worked on and the word count is now 330,000, so I think it will be finished soon.

I hope you are doing well, too - many thanks for your interest

(3 edits) (+2)

I've just finished all of the available routes (not all of the endings though, just one ending per each route as of yet, and i'm saving other outcomes for future replays ^^), and my goodness, what a ride!

The Rose was a delight, but the continuation... it's simply gorgeous.

I really like your writing, and I felt really invested in the plot and achieving the end goal in each one of the current routes. And the sheer size of them!! Just... wow.

I also came to adore every single character in this story... ESPECIALLY the MC - what a fox!! With Roguish + Cunning/Witty + Commanding traits chosen, at least. I'm yet to check how the other options play out, but these are my ideal setup for any game and I suspect I'm going to find letting go of them very hard in the future playthroughs, even for the sake of curiosity xD

Anyhow, honestly, it's a blessing to be able to play such a charismatic, likable and believable character (and don't even mention all the roleplay possibilities that arise as the story progresses - *chef's kiss*). I like how the MC feels strong and powerful, but still remains *a lady* to her very core and exerts her power in ways that never feel contadictory to her femininity, status, personality or the setting - somehow, that's exactly the experience I was missing from ALL the other VNs/otomes I'd played over the last years.

Aside from the MC and the main cast, I came to have a soft spot for Mariette - I keep thinking that if she ever was available as a romance option, she'd probably be one of my favorites. I understand that this is not to be, but I really am hoping to see more of her in the upcoming routes, and it was so cool to have a whole quest involving encounters with her in Sofia's!

As for the actual routes, I am in complete awe after Leopold's - that was everything I could ever have asked from a route and more T__T His every appearance in any other route makes me somehow sad i'm not playing his route currently. Although, to be fair, the same happens every time Frederique shows on the screen xD

Also, what a treat all those additional scenes have been T__T And, as for Frederique (again xD), after reading his in-between games scene, I can't help but wonder, what on Earth could have happened so MC and him end up leaving their safe haven. Is it abduction of either of them or both? blackmailing and threats??? one of Mother's endless machinations? duty??? i mean, i don't expect an answer to this question, but omg, it would be so interesting to find out one day!

Thank you for all this work and best of luck with developing the rest of the routes! I have no doubt that each and every one of them is going to be worth any wait :3

P.S. oooohhh!! i found my answers in the demo!! god bless the demo!!! OMG, so it IS duty... after a fashion xD i actually kind of suspected as much, hehe <3


Thank you for the kind feedback - it is always lovely to hear what players enjoyed. 

And Mariette is a character created by one of the Kickstarter backers, so I am sure they will be glad to know their addition to the game is a welcome one. 

Well, hopefully not too much longer to wait for the next route - I hope you enjoy it once you get a chance to play it. 

Many thanks for playing


there can be no room for hope here, because i'm 100% adamantly sure that i'm going to enjoy it, period! thank you :3

Sooo... I hope you're not completely fed up with questions about progress on particular routes because I wanted to ask about Charlotte's ;-) 

(1 edit) (+1)

Charlotte will be the final route worked on (saving the best for last ^_^) and I am hoping to begin her route early next year to complete some time in the summer.

I hope this helps and many thanks for your interest

Thank you! It does help although I can't help but wish I could play it sooner. Anyhow, best things come to those who wait and her route in the previous game was a blast :-) I liked Sofia's route too (I am here for FxF romance), but Charlotte's felt more special, maybe because I played it first. One more questions: how much longer will the route be in the next game, approximately of course?  


The routes are averaging 130,000 words each, so about 3 times as long. 

Many thanks for your interest


Hello! I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm really eager to know about Frederique's route. If I may ask, could you give an estimate on when (6 months/1 year/2 years/3 years...) his route is going to be released (or at least started)? I understand you are working on the "Loveless" route because you had trouble with Frederique's route (you weren't satisfied with it), so could you please give us an update on when the "Loveless" route is going to be finished (just so I know when to expect the start of Frederique's route)? I'm sorry If this sounds like I'm rushing you (I promise I'm not! I want Frederique's route fleshed out and well written, he deserves that, and I understand that takes time), I'm just really excited for it! I binged the other routes from "The Rose Of Segunda" yesterday, just to get to Frederique's route, so I'm desperate for updates ('m again really sorry for asking, I hope this doesn't come off as rude). Thank you and keep up the good work!


Hello and thank you for your interest.

I just wanted to let you know I don’t think your question is rude and I don’t want you to worry that I’m offended or anything (you probably weren’t going to, but I know I tend to spiral about these sorts of things).

I don’t have a good answer for you just yet, but I am hoping I have a clearer picture by the end of the month, so I will reply to you again then, when I know more.

I hope this can at least tied you over until then.  


Thank you so much for your speedy reply!

I'm very anxious that people may misunderstand what I mean to say, hence I overexplain. I was super worried that I came off as rude.

Thank you so much again, I can't wait for your updates!

Good luck!

(1 edit) (+2)

Okay, as promised, I have a very loose time-frame of when I hope things will be finished/started etc.

I am hoping to have the beta for the Loveless Route completed by the end of August. Once it is in beta, I will need to finish the coding/testing and make adjustments for any feedback. So, with all that in mind, I hope to start working again on Frederique’s route by the end of September.

So, ideally, I would be hoping for an early 2025 release for Frederique’s route and then a summer release for Charlotte. Of course, this is all subject to change, but as far as estimates go, this is what I currently have.

I will let people know once the loveless route beta has been released, since that is the first hurdle to clear.

I hope this helps answer some of your questions and many thanks for your interest


Thank you so much for keeping your promise, this is so refreshing-creators that actually interact with the fans/customers, your dedication to integrity and transparency is truly amazing (I'm screaming with joy!). I love finding little gems such as these games that have both intriguing, well thought out dialogues and actual interactivity/choices, but it is truly a rare treat to find developers/creators such as yourself that take the time to answer questions, I'm genuinely very thankful (and again very sorry if I bothered you, I can be a handful to deal with)! 

Thank you for the estimate again, and while I know that this is not a guarantee, it still very much helps with my anxiety (sorry if that sounds weird, but I really get anxious about missing important dates/not having a set date about something I'm eagerly waiting on)!

Thank you so much, it helped a lot! 

Good luck!


hi! sorry, can i ask if the game is going to be available on steam?


Yes, once it is complete, and any existing purchase on itch will be given access to a steam key at the that time. ^_^

I hope this helps. Many thanks for your interest.


thank you! that's wonderful news :3


Sorry for another question - in Guillaume’s route is it possible to betray him and have affair with Leo? :D Asking for science.


You can ally with Leopold, but it is not romantic. Hope this helps. ^_^


I finished Leo's route in both of your games and let me say, I'm now depressed that there is no more content :D I seriously want to see my favorite power couple ruling or doing their thing. It was such nice experience really that I almost didn't notice the absence of steamy/bedroom scenes. There were tons of tender moments that made their relationship and married status believable.  Leopold is so deeply in love with his wife and at the same time doesn't lose his personality. This is honestly refreshing to see because usually in otome stories you are to "reform" the LI and make him abandon his evil plans or whatever. Leo however is dead set on his course, which I find wonderfully realistic.

Now... I should go and weep probably. I want more Q.Q

(1 edit) (+2)

Many thanks for the kind feedback - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed Leopold's route. Though there is no more to play in his route, Leopold does make appearances in other routes as a potential ally, and he plays a much more prominent role in the Loveless route which I am writing currently, so perhaps there is no need for tears just yet ^_^

Many thanks for playing

Hello! If I purchase the game now as it is in early acess, will I have to purchase it again and again with each new update? O.O


Nope, it's a one-time payment. You'll get the updates with no extra cost

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for such quick answer!


Yes! Thanks, littlegal ^_^

No problem! Also, keep up the good work with the game! Looking forward to see the loveless route when it's out!

After Charlotte's route, will you folks start working on the two new characters route?


I've actually been working on a devlog addressing just this and giving a general update on the game. Please feel free to check it out if you are interested ^_^


I really liked the 1st part... It's a pity that this part is so long in development (of course I understand everyone has their own circumstances), but it's pretty sad to see the game in development for 5 years with only 60 percent progress.


Even at 60% complete it's a MASSIVE game: I'm pretty sure each of the completed routes is at least as long as The Rose of Segunda is in its entirety. Honestly, I'm super impressed by how many routes we already have considering the sheer amount of work that must have gone into them and it's already one of my all-time favourite VNs.


Thats all good and all, but there are people who prefer to play completed products...

Deleted 263 days ago

Hi do we have an eta on frederique yet


Sorry, I somehow missed this - I hope you had a nice new year. ^_^

I have no eta right now, sadly. I was having some trouble with the route and put it on hold while I worked out why I was not happy with it. I know Frederique is very popular and I did not want to risk producing something that might disappoint players. 

So I moved my attention over to the Loveless route and the word count there is just over 100,000 words as of this evening. I am hoping to complete the Loveless route this spring and then return to working on Frederique's route, but I will know more at the end of the month when I plan to publish a devlog with more details.

Many thanks for your patience

Oh, that's encouraging to hear! I've been looking forward to that one! Or maybe more specifically getting to know Vesela in it...


Omg! How did I miss this after playing the first game?! Onwards to Sofia's route again! 🤣 Thank you for making a sequel!! ✨

No problem - I hope you enjoy the game. ^_^

Many thanks for playing


Just leaving a quick comment to say I hope you're doing well and that I still think about this game all the time. Thank you so much. ❤

(1 edit) (+10)

Aw, thank you - that is very sweet of you to say. I am hoping to have an update for players soon, so thank you for your on-going patience and support.


Hello, I really enjoyed The Rose of Segunda and the routes that are currently out for The Thorns of War. I really like the MC and the character development that she can go through between those games and possibilities depending on the routes you choose to take. I don't mean to sound pushy, but can I ask how it's going for what you're working on right now? Thank you for making these games


Hello and thanks for the feedback - I'm glad you're enjoying the game so far. As for progress, I am currently working on the Loveless route and the word count is approx 68,000 words.

Many thanks for playing

Deleted post

Many thanks for the feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed Leo's route and Sofia's too - I was happy to hear in your other post you got her best ending.

Thanks for playing


Leo's route is so cute! I played his after Guill's, and there such a huge difference in the love, affection, and respect Leo shows MC throughout as compared to Guill.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback - Leopold seems to be a big favourite with players so I am glad you liked his route.

Many thanks for playing ^_^

(1 edit)

Thanks for making these games, you are genius :) 

I love how the main character is so clever and self confident.

Thanks for the extra scenes, it was good to see what happened after the birthday celebration!

My favourite route is Leopold's (the good end, haven't played the bad ones)

I'm curious about the single route, Mathys will be interesting i think :)

+ My favourite part in the first game was when she was playing as the prince and did not follow the script :D she was so funny xD


Many thanks for your kind feedback - I'm happy you're enjoying the game and extra scenes.

Ah, yes, the play scene in 'Rose' was very fun to write - I'm glad to hear you found it amusing. ^_^


Hello again :) how is progress with frederique coming along


Frederique's route is on hold at the moment. I wasn't happy with certain aspects of it, and since I know how much people are looking forward to it, I didn't want to rush things. I am working on the Loveless route in the meantime and it is going well.

Many thanks for your interest

Deleted 1 year ago

Many thanks for you kind feedback - I'm glad to hear you enjoyed the routes so far, especially Sofia's. 

Thank you for playing


Just want to show my appreciation for Frederique's route! I so appreciate this dynamic and can't wait to play his route when it's released!


Ah, thank you. I really hope it's worth the wait ^_^


I'm impatient for Frédérique's route! I've had a lot of fun playing the previous ones so far, especially Leopold's first as he is my favorite from the first game, and has been the first route I played on both games, but the other routes and options were fantastical to experience as well, this game is very complete with so many options to explore, especially if you're a bit of perfectionist, managing all our choices to get to our goals is made in an intuitive way that I think is just the right difficulty, and makes playing pretty pleasant, not to mention the character designs and sprites, and the impeccable writing.

With my summer break starting not too long ago, I think I should have had played the game now rather than right before my final exams, thankfully I still got satisfactory grades lol 

This chain of games has been a gem to me amongst other otome games for how indescribably good it is, so thank you, devs!


Thank you for your kind feedback – I’m glad to hear you’ve enjoyed the routes so far.

And your predicament sounds like something I would do. I am not very good at resisting temptation, even when it would be to my benefit.

I remember once I had an 18 hour layover in an airport coming up, so I ordered a book I wanted to read to occupy me. It arrived, I read it straight away in the comfort of my house - despite there being many other things there to entertain me - and then got to spend 18 hours bored in the airport. >_<

I am happy to hear, though, that you did well in your exams. Many thanks for playing and I hope Frederique's route is worth the wait. ^_^

Deleted post

*laughs* Oh dear, I have put you in another bind. I hope you can be a bit more ruthless next time and get your happy ending with Sofia.

Have you tried lying to her? That's quite an interesting ride, too. ^_^

Many thanks for playing.

Deleted post

hello, are you guys doing well? :)


Yes, thank you. Frederique's route is slowly getting there. Just over 70,000 words now.

I hope you're doing well, too ^_^


Nice! I'm really looking forward to it :]


 I'm here for Frederique. Waiting for that route to drop. Seriously, you went there and I applaud the effort. 


Glad you're looking forward to the next route - I hope it's worth the wait. ^_^


I made this account specifically to leave a review for this game. I love The Rose of Segunda too, but this game is on another level. Already, it's one of my favourite VNs of all time.

It's honestly hard for me to decide what my favourite route is: they're all excellent. Ultimately, I think it might be Sofia's: I've always had a soft spot for her. Guillaume's was honestly painful to read at times, but in a good way where it's really stuck with me. I loved exploring the different outcomes on his route in particular. Overall, I'm really impressed by how smoothly you continue each of the stories from RoS.

Finally, I'd like to say your prose is excellent: wonderfully descriptive without ever feeling like too much. You imbue the characters with so much personality!

Thank you so much for sharing your wonderful work with us. All the best in the future.

(1 edit) (+6)

 Ah, thank you for the kind feedback – I'm really happy to hear you’ve enjoyed the game so far (and Tros too).

I’m never confident in my prose, so it is very nice to hear that someone, at least, likes it enough to mention. ^_^

Many thanks for playing and all the best to you, as well.



So far I've completed the game 3 times, and by the seasons of my body, you outdid yourselves, truly. Leopold's route is amazing. It's loving, it's heartbreaking at one point and it just feels so satisfying. MC really have power and impact. I probably won't be able to complete his other endings, apart from good, but it's ok. That one was enough for me. I'm also so glad that I got to know Pieto and LaFouch more - they truly were amazing friends to MC and at one point I was even wondering if Pieto will find love, for he deserves it.  :> So far I feel Leo's route is the most precious. 

I've started the game with Guillaume and Sofia, but lost interest at some point - I need to get back to them again, and get through the struggles. Especially with Sofia, because she's a lovely woman and was my first choice.

When it comes to Bastien's route I was heartbroken from the start. In the beginning I thought that surely Mother told Bastien that he can have MC for some time, and that she plots to marry her off to either Leo or the Prince. Then it came to me, that she possibly changed her target and made some propositions towards one precious old man, but I would NEVER guessed that sure, she did some things, but it was Bastien's father who was such a dick. FML, if MC could kill him again - she would. And again and again. 

Bastien's route was difficult, and in the end I splitted my saves and simultaneously completed it with both him and Pieto, because I couldn't bear just breaking Bastien's heart (the moment he hears that MC wants a divorce :'))))) ). I just wanted him to be happy, to treasure life and speak up for himself. I laughed soooo hard when he snapped back at Francesca. I wasn't his fan in the Rose of Segunda, but in this game his character got fuller and deeper.

Pieto, dear Pieto. He's a very well written character and he treats MC with kindness and respect. And not only in his route, I may add. He's caring and basically all that she needs at this difficult point in her life. He's also very different from her other possible love interests and I think that's what makes him stand out to me. Also I'm a sucker when it comes to characters (and people, lol) that speak languages resembling German or Dutch.

It's always a treat to come back to this game.


Hello and thank you for your kind feedback. I've very glad to hear you are enjoying the game - particularly Leo, Bastien and Pieto's routes.

Many thanks for playing. ^_^


hi there how is progress going with frederique? :)


It's going well, thank you for asking. Word count is about 33,000 words and I have a little treat for Leopold fans coming at the end of Feb/beginning of March. ^_^


ooooh that's interesting, can't wait to see this treat!

Also really glad to see the progress for Frederique, it's a bit of an understatement for me to say that I'm looking forward to his route  ^^

So excited for this treat!!!

I hope you like it ^_^

Hi hi :) Is there an update on the treat?


I just posted a devlog about it. ^_^


Hi! Is there a release date for Frederique and Charlotte's routes?


Well, I am hoping to get them both done this year, but outside of that I am not yet sure. I'll keep players updates as to my progress via dev logs though. ^_^

Many thanks for your interest


Waiting for Frederique before I buy it. He was my favourite in the original, and I'm really proud of the creators for having the guts to 'go there' and not cheap out.


Glad to hear you're looking forward to it! 

Many thanks for your patience. ^_^

Deleted post

I'm glad to hear you're excited - I hope you will not have much longer to wait for him. ^_^

Many thanks for playing

Deleted post

i just want to come in here and say how much i am in love with chesaré and leopold clearly i have a thing for playful flirts

(ALSO I AM IN THE MIDDLE OF BASTIENS ROUTE AND HOLY SHIT I AM ACTUALLY TEARING UP guillaumes route was bad but i didnt really like him that much so it was nothing to me BUT BASTIEN JFC my heart is tearing itself apart and im using it as tissues)

Ah, poor Bastien - I hope you're feeling better now and still enjoying the route.

There will be a lot more of Chesaré in the Single route, so I am glad you like her as a character.

Many thanks for playing

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